It is all about reaching a large qualified talent pool!

Finding great junior sales is challenging!!

It is all about reaching a large qualified talent pool!

Finding great junior sales is challenging!!

by grnaj

The magic is in the reach out. To find the right candidate with the right culture and mindset you will need to source, reach out and screen a good number of folks. Target large qualified talent pools to find the right fit. The magic is in the numbers!!

Unique Reachout Approach

It is all about the reachout. Team of 4 specialists work to quadruple your sourcing bandwidth. Target large qualified talent pools to energize hidden and referral networks. Multi touch points to ensure your story gets heard.  Find the right person with the right culture fit and mindset. It is all about the numbers!

Say No to Agencies

Staffing firms go for the low handing fruit. No real tiem sourcing. Using old databases to dish out stale recycled candidates. There is no skin in the game. Reject their submissions and they move on to the next customer. You need a more comprehensive approach that includes pipelines and platforms.

How does our approach work for junior roles

Junior sales folks tend to have the highest attrition in the industry. In the majority of times they do not know what they are looking for or what to expect. As a sourcing support firm, we will work with you and carry on working till we find you the right talent.

  • Team of 4 sourcing specialists will quadruple your sourcing bandwidth
  • Multi touch points to make sure your gets story heard
  • Energize hidden and referral networks
  • Double the average number of agency submissions
  • 12 months coverage with pipelines + platform

Sourcing is all about numbers. The more qualified people you touch the more the chances of finding the right talent.

We make sure your story gets heard. Multi channel touch points include social media, email and phone. 6+ touch points.

Weekly dashboard meetings ensure full accountability and transparency. Feedback from both sides increase project success as we calibrate better.

With our pipelines we have you covered for the next 12 months. Attrition or growth – we have you covered.

Kevin Allen
VP Sales

Reach out to me to showcase how our unique model can potentially support your needs.


Lets Get Started!
Fill in the below with details of your role that could do with more sourcing. We will get back to you within 24 hours!
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