We shortlist five great candidates. Two go through the interview process and one gets hired. Three get dropped. Of the three two stop responding and one the recruiter never gets back to as she is too excited to ensure the shortlisted candidate gets hired! The scenario is crystal clear. Short sighted!!
Those three candidates are or were you potential pipelines. We all know how the internal talent scenario changes. One moment we are on top – happy for filling the role. The next day we find out our candidate declined the offer! A scenario repeated many times over specially for the SMB space companies.
Bottom line we need to always have a backup plan and at the same time think long term. Their may be another role opening up or there will be simple attrition. It makes perfect sense not to discard those candidates and at times keep you ego in check (they never responded to my emails!). You need them more than they need you.
Be realistic.
Happy Sourcing!
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